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Help with Backpain!

Did you know CBD can help with backpain? From the ordinary day to day aches to more severe circumstances, CBD holds key elements in tackling pain and inflammation.

The best pain relief cream out there!

Lotion Benefits that Benefit You!

100% All Natural

The goal of our lotion is to decrease inflammation. We make that happen with all natural ingredients. Also included are ingredients like arnica (a plant in the sunflower family), tea tree oil (an essential oil), menthol (an organic compound), and camphor (a natural terpenoid).


Thanks to the menthol included in our ingredients, our lotion has a naturally cooling effect which is a great aid in relief. It’s great for relieving discomfort related to muscle aches, sore joints, sprains, strains, arthritis, and more. We want you to move through your everyday life without the unpleasantness that pain brings, and we can provide the relief you’re looking for.

Made in USA

One thing we are incredibly proud of is that we do not outsource any of the work that we do. Instead, we make it all happen right here in the USA. You can trust that the product you’re using was made at home in the USA, with dedication, love, and care - not overseas.


It’s difficult to recover from injuries if you’re dealing with pain. This lotion aids in your recovery by alleviating your pain and allowing your muscles and joints to heal in a manner that is natural and makes sense for your body. As you’re recovering from an injury, our lotion is the top product to use for fast repair so you can get your mojo back.

Absolutely No GMOs

When we say that Botanicals RX lotion is made with only natural ingredients, we mean it. There are absolutely no GMOs included. While GMOs are often used in skincare to encourage higher levels of certain ingredients, you can trust that that practice is something we will never adopt.


We concentrate on overall longevity because we want you to stay active and live your life to the fullest. Our lotion offers healing and recovery so your relief is a relief that lasts for as long as you need it to, not just for a few minutes. Our product is one that you can trust to make you feel good for the long haul.

The best pain relief cream out there!

Ready to learn more about our pain relief lotion? It’s derived from only the best natural ingredients, with no ingredients spared, its concentration on inflammation reduction promotes the fast relief, quick recovery, and longevity that you’re looking for.

Pain Relief
Lotion that Works!

We doesn’t waste time with ineffective lotion made with cheap ingredients. Instead, we complete extensive research and use only the highest-quality components to create a pain relief lotion that works for you. This lotion promotes fast and natural healing so you can get back to doing what you do best – whether that’s skiing, mountain biking, rock climbing, or simply taking a walk around beautiful Central Oregon or Anywhere. We’re dedicated to helping you enjoy a pain-free life again, with no sore muscles or other unpleasant symptoms.


Our happy customers

About Us

Our Amazing Teamn

We are based in Bend, Oregon, and each and every batch of Botanicals RX is created right here in the United States. Rest assured that we have completed thorough research on our formula, delivering only the finest product that will get you back on your feet and back in the game, whether you’re recovering from an injury or seeking relief for chronic pain. Botanicals RX is exactly what you’re looking for.

We are committed to providing natural health solutions for the everyday athlete. We want to see you doing what you do best – and we want to see you doing it pain-free.

Botanicals RX can make that happen. Made with only natural ingredients like CBD, menthol, arnica, and tea tree oil, we are both recommended and trusted by healthcare providers to help people find pain relief and stay pain-free.